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Английский язык ОЗП Вoпрoс-Ответ вaриaнт 4

11 июл 2023, 21:01
1 675
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Английский язык

  1. A necessary modal verb. My computer ….. be old, but it still works really well. 



  1. Define the correct sentence.

Every teacher has to attend the seminar


  1. We used it ….. for an action that happened at certain time in the past but which had a result in the latest time in the past

Past perfect


  1. Fill in an appropriate indefinite pronoun

Did you buy …… organic from the farmer,s market?



  1. Physical or mental disease that lets you continue doing something for a long time.



  1. Reporting verb + that



  1. Correct sentenc

They work harder than you


  1. Negative to connect



  1. A proper form of adjective

How's your sister now? is she getting …. ?  



  1. Choose a common word for 



  1. if+  past simple   …… + bare infinitive 

would| wouldn’t


  1. Impersonal construction

It is announced ….


  1. The right variant

He waste no time ….. for his family (что-то там еще)



  1. Choose the correct phrases with possessive case in singular

Dog’s name


  1. A word WITHOUT negative meaning  



  1. Complete the sentence 

This house is ……. big 



  1. Irregular adjective



  1.  Can you …. ? I can´t hear you.

Speak up


  1.  Не помню


  1. Не помню


  1. The text is mainly about

Cultural clashes while working

  1. Gabriela was frustrated because

She didn’t feel respect

  1. Which statement is Not true

 New Gabriela’s staff were not used to making decision democratically

  1.  Hierarchical framework is when

Team leader and manager take control and give specific instruction

  1.  According to the text Gabriela faced a challenge in managing because of 

Cultural defferences

  1. The main idea of the article is  
  2. A true sentence from the article  

            It can be difficult for humans to control sugar-eating habits

  1. Definition of the idiom “have a sweet tooth”  

            To like to eat sweet foods

  1. The tense of the sentence   

            It is difficult to control our sugar eating habits

Present simple active 

  1. Obviously, moreover, consequently, however, surprisingly, personally, 

            furthermore are … …

            Linking words




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