Английский язык ОЗП Вoпрoс-Ответ вaриaнт 4
Английский язык
- A necessary modal verb. My computer ….. be old, but it still works really well.
- Define the correct sentence.
Every teacher has to attend the seminar
- We used it ….. for an action that happened at certain time in the past but which had a result in the latest time in the past
Past perfect
- Fill in an appropriate indefinite pronoun
Did you buy …… organic from the farmer,s market?
- Physical or mental disease that lets you continue doing something for a long time.
- Reporting verb + that
- Correct sentenc
They work harder than you
- Negative to connect
- A proper form of adjective
How's your sister now? is she getting …. ?
- Choose a common word for
- if+ past simple …… + bare infinitive
would| wouldn’t
- Impersonal construction
It is announced ….
- The right variant
He waste no time ….. for his family (что-то там еще)
- Choose the correct phrases with possessive case in singular
Dog’s name
- A word WITHOUT negative meaning
- Complete the sentence
This house is ……. big
- Irregular adjective
- Can you …. ? I can´t hear you.
Speak up
- Не помню
- Не помню
- The text is mainly about
Cultural clashes while working
- Gabriela was frustrated because
She didn’t feel respect
- Which statement is Not true
New Gabriela’s staff were not used to making decision democratically
- Hierarchical framework is when
Team leader and manager take control and give specific instruction
- According to the text Gabriela faced a challenge in managing because of
Cultural defferences
- The main idea of the article is
- A true sentence from the article
It can be difficult for humans to control sugar-eating habits
- Definition of the idiom “have a sweet tooth”
To like to eat sweet foods
- The tense of the sentence
It is difficult to control our sugar eating habits
Present simple active
- Obviously, moreover, consequently, however, surprisingly, personally,
furthermore are … …
Linking words
Cepвиc тecтиpoвaния пoзвoляeт пpoвecти пpoвepку уpoвня пoдгoтoвки пeдaгoгичecкиx кaдpoв в opгaнизaцияx oбpaзoвaния Pecпублики Kaзaxcтaн. Бaзa тecтoв cфopмиpoвaнa нa ocнoвe тecтa, нaйдeннoгo нa пpocтopax Интepнeтa в cвoбoднoй дocтупнocти, и пpeднaзнaчeнa для изучeния и зaкpeплeния.
Цeль этoгo oнлaйн-тecтиpoвaния – пpoвepить знaния и уpoвeнь пoдгoтoвки нa aттecтaцию.
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